The Community Carbon Reduction Project, CRed, is novel and ambitious. It is focused on Norfolk, with links through the East of England and beyond.
Its ambition is to make deep cuts in our emissions of the global warming gas carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere. This ambition will be realised by involving people, businesses, and organisations, throughout the region.
CRed will put our region at the front of the world stage, through joined-up local action to address the biggest environmental challenge facing us - changing climate caused by global warming.
Wind turbines on University Campus
CRed and officers from South Norfolk District Council, and the City, together with a major company, have established the business and technical sense of two wind turbines on the UEA campus.
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No other community, anywhere in the world, has this ambition.
Each year, about nine tonnes of CO2* is released for every man, woman and child in the country - enough to fill the equivalent of five hot air balloons! To make a 60% cut in emissions by 2025, each of us needs to lose the equivalent of three hot air balloons.
*Equates to 2.45 tonnes of carbon.

If you would like detailed information on climate change, go to the Climatic Research Unit.
If you would like information on research programmes to identify and develop sustainable responses to climate change go to the Tyndall Centre.
"I am delighted to see East Anglia taking the initiative at a regional level to achieve deep cuts in CO2 emissions. This of course ties in
with the vision set out in the recent Energy White Paper. It is very important to harness science and innovation to get practical measures on the ground and start realising
that vision."
Professor Sir David King - Chief Scientific
Adviser to HM Government and Head of the
Office of Science and Technology